Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The American Flag Lesson Plan

This is a lesson plan I create on the American Flag for Kindergarten. It supports the ND standard and benchmark K.2.1: Identify symbols of the United States.


After completing the lesson, the student will be able to identify the American Flag and it's symbols.




I will begin the lesson by reading the book The Flag We Love by Munoz Ryan. This is a great story to read to make sure everyone is on the same level as we begin learning about the flag.

Lesson Development

Next I will show the students the American Flag. 
Ask the students what color are the stripes on the flag.
Then count the stripes all together.
Explain to students that the stripes are a symbol for the first thirteen colonies of the United States.

Next, ask the students if anyone knows how many starts there are on the American Flag.
Explain that there are 50 stars which stand for our 50 states.

Finally explain that the colors of our flag are also symbols. Blue stands for justice, white stands for purity, and the red stands for courage. Put these words into terms that Kindergarteners can understand, such as fairness, clean, and brave.

Next hand out the American Flag Worksheet. Read the questions out loud to students and have them fill in the blanks using "Kindergarten spelling."

Lesson Expansion

Students create their own flags! I created my own flag as an example to show students.

Explain to students that their flag can also have symbols just like the American Flag has stars and stripes which are symbols for the colonies and states. My flag has an apple because they are often a symbol for teachers. I used the color yellow because it often mean loyalty and it stands for my loyalty to teaching. And I used purple because it means "high rank" like a king or queen, and the teacher is in charge in the classroom so they are the highest rank at school.

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